The Growing Together Village
What is the Growing Together Village?
This is a new membership that I launched in September 2024. It was born out of seeing families that I'd been working with who wanted to have continued spaces to grow and support each other as their children moved beyond babyhood.
It's a space to help us grow and develop as parents in a supportive environment. To speak deeply and honestly about our experiences in order to understand ourselves better.
It's about community support and about personal growth.
👉🏽Are you looking for a supportive community where you can grow as a parent without the pressure to be perfect?
👉🏽Do you want a space to reflect on your own upbringing and break patterns that no longer serve you or your family?
👉🏽Are you navigating the challenges of raising emotionally intelligent children while also working to understand and heal yourself?
👉🏽Do you sometimes feel isolated in the complexities of modern parenting and wish for a place to connect with others on a similar journey?
👉🏽Are you trying to balance honoring your past while creating new, healthier family dynamics for your children?
👉🏽Are you looking for a thoughtful, inclusive community that values respect, growth, and kindness?
👉🏽Would you like a place to discuss topics that matter deeply to you, from emotional resilience to identity, without fear of judgment?
👉🏽Do you ever wonder if there’s a way to parent that doesn’t just react against the past but instead builds something new and intentional?
👉🏽Could you use a space to explore your values, share your struggles, and find gentle encouragement as you redefine what parenting means to you?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, I made this membership for you!
The Growing Village membership is designed to be easy to fit into your life, and to minimise it being something that you want to do but can't find time for, or feel overwhelmed by in the time commitment it asks of you. The structure offers something that is meaningful and productive but also realistic for busy life with children.
No long videos to watch or workshops to try and keep up with.
Different ways of engaging, from chat rooms, to zoom meetings, and some face to face interactions for those who want them.
Deeper conversations as well as lighter social interactions.
Monthly online relaxation events to help us integrate our learning and restore our energy.
It is about becoming the parent you want to be, working to change intergenerational patterns and to parent consciously and mindfully whilst also taking care of yourself.
Read on to hear about
Core Values,
Guiding Practices,
What's Included and
How to Join.
Want to know more about me? I'm a therapist and perinatal yoga teacher with over 12 years experience supporting families. You can read my About Me page HERE
Membership is currently closed.
We will be open to new members in January 2025. Use the button below to sign up to an email notification when membership next opens.
What are our Core Values?
Every member of this community signs up to these values.
The Village is Inclusive.
This space is explicitly queer and trans friendly; anti-racist; feminist; neurodivergent affirming; anti-ableist; body positive; accepting of differing experiences of mental health. Aware of power structures and the ways they shape our lives. This includes the ways we have internalised these structures and the work we do to unpick them
We don’t have to think the same, or parent the same, but we do have to make space for each other and accept that we might have differing needs, views and experiences.
The Village is Kind
Everyone is here because they actively want to be in a supportive community. We’re all also fighting our own battles and we’re all imperfect. If someone annoys you, give them the benefit of the doubt. You don’t have to be best buddies with everyone, but you do need to be kind. The power of simple kindness is transformative.
The Village is Learning
We are all evolving. This space is for parents across the gender spectrum as we try and figure out what parenting is for us in this modern and changing content we live in. Mothers, Fathers and Parents. The fixed gender roles of previous eras are shifting around us and within us. The way we choose to navigate this is individual to each person and family, so we make space for respectful sharing and discourse about our choices and efforts to explore new parenting dynamics.
We each also arrive at parenthood with our own past experiences and ideas of what it is to ‘parent well’. We employ curiosity and tolerance for ourselves and each other as we find our way through these shifting sands of our inherited beliefs and behaviour as we create new updated beliefs and behaviour .
The Village Respects Children
Each child is a human capable of deep emotion and relationship. They are all unique individuals deserving of respect and autonomy. As parents we have to navigate the tasks of facilitating, shaping, influencing, containing, redirecting, allowing and denying our children through many years. We do this to the best of our ability and even in the moments of our greatest struggles, we strive to remember that just because we are more powerful than our children, we are not always right.
The Village is Reflective
We simultaneously strive to build ourselves up to be more authentic and evolved versions of ourselves whilst working to disarm the parts of ourselves that get in the way of this. We are constructing and deconstructing ourselves. We do this for ourselves, our children, our potential unborn grandchildren. Also for those who came before us who did not have the opportunities, resources or inclination to do the same.
We hold the tension between being open to observing, challenging and changing ourselves whilst accepting ourselves exactly as we are.
We work to change patterns of behaviours we inherited, that we no longer wish to pass on through our families and societies. We aim to embody courage in not turning away from the immense challenge of this task, and hold ourselves compassionately at every misstep.
Take it Slow
Learning and Change is open ended and slow.
Creating positive change within deep layers of ourselves requires time and deep contemplation. Whilst the busy pace of the world means we sometimes need to adapt quickly, or find solutions in the immediacy of a situation, a deep slower reflective process gives longer term benefits when addressing issues such as identity, embedded patterns of behaviours and beliefs.
When moving or thinking quickly, we are often drawing on the existing framework of ourselves. We are reinforcing who we already are.
To find change and movement, a slow reflective thinking and communicating process allows for deeper layers of the self to be known and for new possibilities to arise.
Having time to listen to others and then reflect whilst simultaneously seeing these issues play out within our day to day lives gives opportunity to step outside the echo chamber of our own minds.
Structured Communication
Some of the conversations will be facilitated by me and have a set structure to them.
Having topics and a set ‘shape’ to some of our discussions gives a scaffold on which to think deeply about an aspect of self of the world.
Having clear guidelines about what and how we are talking about something makes a clear social contract in which we can feel steady enough to challenge ourselves and our ideas whilst holding or sharing the inevitable vulnerability that comes along with this kind of challenge.
Spontaneous Communication
Some of the conversations will be self led and spontaneous
The nature of this kind of community is that it requires a degree of relationship between its members. These can be at all different levels of closeness and fondness, but at least some sense of relationship with others means we feel more able to speak openly and freely about ourselves and our circumstances.
Relationships need not only deep moments of interaction but also spontaneous and lighter moments of interaction. Whether it be chatting online, or at in person events, creating a sense of belonging to the group as a whole will support the deeper work we do elsewhere.
Closed Group
In order to help this space feel safe enough to speak and explore the topics of conversation, this group will be run in a closed manner.
There will be specific times where the membership opens for new joiners (perhaps for two weeks, or for a set number of new participants) and then the membership will close again. Once you are a member, you can stay for as long as you want.
This means each current group can settle into the culture of the group and we can undertake the work together, knowing that there aren't new unknown people joining at random moments throughout our discussions.
Individual Participation
People join individually. That means each person who joins has actively chosen to be here in their own right. In the discussion groups we talk about ourselves. If both people within a couple join, you speak about yourselves, not about each other.
As each of us arrives at parenting with our individual histories, personalities and circumstances, we enter into reflection and discussion from our own perspectives. We grow and evolve on our own terms and within our own capabilities.
Couples will of course probably talk and reflect on these things together and the way they play out within their relationships, but the membership space is based on individuals, not couples.
If you’re in a couple and your partner/wife/husband is not part of the membership, you can of course talk about your experience and thoughts on being in the group, but I ask that you do not show content such as videos or discussions where others are speaking about themselves with non members. If your partner/wife/husband wants to view these things, they need to join the membership. This is to hold confidentiality and respect to both me and the other members of the group.
This also means that the membership as a whole can trust that they are only sharing information, thoughts and vulnerability with others who have also actively signed up to do the same. We all stand alongside each other as we explore together.
(If two members of a couple wish to both join, the second membership will incur a discount)
Our Guiding Practices
What happens in
The Growing Together Village?
What's included?
- A 6 week set topic discussion in our Main Chat Room with a Zoom call at the end of the 6 weeks
- Community Chat WhatsApp group for all other discussions
- Monthly Weekend Walks
- Monthly Online Relaxation Practice
- Monthly Monday afternoon outdoor meet up with kids of all ages.
- 3 x 6 week Community Challenges a year (Mindfulness, Compassion, Regulation)
Online Set Topic Discussion
Every 6 weeks we set a topic. I will perhaps do a 10min video sharing some ideas/questions/introduction to the topic.
Topics will be about concepts, NOT about day to day parenting decisions. Ie. Identity, Gender roles, Emotional Labour, Anger, Resentment, Conflicting beliefs within ourselves, Grief, Religion/Spiritual Beliefs, Family Culture etc
In The Main chat room we then spend the next 6 weeks having an ongoing conversation about that topic.
6 weeks gives us
-time to think about our experiences and share them
-time to listen to each’s others experiences and respond to them
-time to experience day to day life and see what comes up or what we notice about that topic in reference .
At the end of the 6 weeks, we have a Zoom call for anyone who wants to attend to talk over the topic and our reflections of the last 6 weeks. These will most likely be on week nights at 8pm.
The benefit of taking a six week approach is that not only does it support the Take it Slow Process, but it means that it allows for the juggle of busy real life. If your kids get sick or you have a really busy few weeks at work or you go on holiday, it means you don’t miss out. And the reality for most of us is that life is busy and it’s hard to fit everything in.
Community Chat WhatsApp Group.
This is the space for you to ask questions and talk and explore all other subjects. This is the place to ask about managing day to day parenting discussions, ethos or any other stuff you like.
It’s also the space to share light hearted moments of parenting (I might offer prompts in this group to help us remember to do this ie Share your favourite photo from this week, or what your parenting disaster moment this week etc?)
Face to Face Casual Meet Ups
These will be for both of my memberships: The Baby Village and The Growing Together Village
The Monthly Walks are in a Green outdoor space around Cambridge, usually Milton Country Park and Wandlebury. If you are a member of the community, you can bring all your family along whether they are members or not.
The Monthly Monday Meet ups happen at a playground or out door Coffee Space in central Cambridge.
These are a nice way to meet others in person, to deepen your relationships if you want to, to chat lightly, or to pick up conversations about our topics in a relaxed environment.
Online Deep Relaxation
These are for both of my memberships: The Baby Village and The Growing Together Village
All parents need time to rest and regulate. These monthly events provide you with the chance to sign in with or without your kids and let me talk you through a deeply relaxing and regulating meditation. All you have to do is snuggle down and listen.
They are designed to be healing for body and mind.
3 x 6 week Community Challenges a year (Mindfulness, Compassion, Regulation)
These are for both of my memberships: The Baby Village and The Growing Together Village
A six week challenge we undertake together to support ourselves as we parent our children and parent ourselves.
I share a practice that builds over the six weeks and we have community Whatsapp groups to share our experience and progress. These challenges are really beautiful supportive spaces that help us tap into supportive practices.
January - Regulation Challenge
May - Mindfulness Challenge
September - Compassion Challenge
The Growing Together Village will next open to new members
in January 2025.
Want an email reminder when membership next opens?
Just Click HERE and send me an automatic email to be added to my notification list.
First parent:
Normal Price £35 per month
Second Parent:
(where 2 parents in the same family are joining the membership)
£15 per month.
Want an email reminder when membership next opens?